Saturday, May 30, 2015

The Lovers: A Musical Journey throught the Major Arcana of the Tarot

Number: 6
Symbol: Hexagon, Snowflake
Sound/Music reference: Musical scale
Quote: Information is not knowledge. Knowledge is not wisdom. Wisdom is not truth. Truth is not beauty. Beauty is not love. Love is not music. MUSIC IS BEST. - Frank Zappa

That certain feeling happened to me in a big way quite often with the first King Crimson. Amazing things would happen--I mean, telepathy, qualities of energy, things that I had never experienced before with music … you can’t tell whether the music is playing the musician or the musician is playing the music” - Robert Fripp

Take a music bath once or twice a week for a few seasons, and you will find that it is to the soul what the water-bath is to the body. -- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr
Song: Room Full of Mirrors- The Pretenders

Love, Water and Gratitude
Do our thoughts create our reality? Does the music we listen to effect our mind and body? Several years ago, I took a seminar with Jonathan Goldman, the dude I mentioned on my third blog in this series who created the formula Frequency + Intention = Healing. He showed some slides which were taken using high-speed photography where crystals formed in frozen water revealed changes when specific, concentrated thoughts were directed toward them.

In some experiments, a glass of water had the words “Love and Gratitude” taped on it. On another glass with water from the same source, the words “You Fool” were taped. The photographs were astounding, because the “Love and Gratitude” water created a beautiful hexagonal crystal, while “You Fool” created unformed, dark blobs without any crystal. It didn’t matter what language the words were said or written, the results were always the same.  

The late Dr. Emoto of Japan, who conducted these experiments, also studied the impact of music on water. What fascinates me is that depending on the words spoken or the music water was exposed to, the six-sided crystals in many cases mirrored the source vibration. For example, the water exposed to Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake, actually looked like a swan and then formed beautiful rainbow colors. The water that listened to Elvis Presley’s Heartbreak Hotel formed a crystal divided in two parts, as if it were mimicking a heart breaking in two. Heavy Metal music with loud, angry and vulgar lyrics created similar results to that of the water shown “You Fool.” (No judgment about heavy metal on my end. Just relating what showed up in this dude’s experiments). When water listened to Gospel music, the form “seems to represent the desires of people to resonate with God. Music from around the world has the capacity to heal.”(Dr. Emoto, The Hidden Messages in Water)

So, what’s the big deal? Water reflects the intention of music, the words in songs, as well as the words spoken to it or typed on a piece of paper and then placed next to it. Water mirrors our thoughts. And what do you think we Fools are mostly made of? Approximately 70% WATER! The hidden messages in water, (love these hidden clues) shows us our thoughts are VIBRATION. If you’ve got lots of negative thoughts, what do you think they are doing to your body and mind? Are our thoughts a possible link to the cause of some physical diseases? How does the music you listen to make you feel? What do you think the music you hear creates in the water and cells of your body?

Many scientists who have researched a process called homeopathy* have also noted that water seems to absorb the vibration or imprint the energy of the molecules which surrounded it, even when the molecules are removed. This is sometimes referred to as ‘the memory of water.’ I believe that in the future, a process similar to homeopathy will be used with music and sound, and provide an incredible tool for healing our minds and bodies. But then again, I’m just a Fool, so what the bleep do I know?

Tarot Wisdom: Sex, Drugs and Rock ‘n’ Roll
The Lovers card can represent sexual desire and establishing bonds with another, but when the emphasis is placed on unconditional love, this is where we discover the essence of God in every other person, including ourselves. If “Love and Gratitude” create beautiful crystals in water, when you love and appreciate someone deeply, can your feelings and intention influence them positively at the cellular level? Conversely, if sex is simply a physical act without any love, how might that impact people emotionally and at the cellular level?    

Sound/Musical reference: Musical scales

As water can act as a mirror to our thoughts and vibrations, musical scales are a mirror reflection as well. In simple terms, the notes played in one direction are then reversed and played exactly the same in the reverse direction. If you keep thinking the same thoughts, and like musical scales, play them over and over again (in your mind), notice how you feel. When you listen to the same music repeatedly, what do you experience? If music is a vehicle for reflecting and raising our vibration, then consider the sounds that surround you on a regular basis, and see if you can discover a connection to your thoughts and feelings.

For more information about Dr. Emoto’s work, check out
*Homeopathy- Homeopathy is founded on the 'Law of Similars' 'or ‘like cure like,' first expressed by Samuel Hahnemann in 1796. The law of similars is based on Hahnemann's conclusion that symptoms elicited by a given homeopathic remedy in a group of healthy individuals will cure an ill individual exhibiting similar symptoms.

Homeopathic remedies are prepared by dilution of a substance with succussion, or shaking, between dilutions. The remedies in homeopathy are often so dilute that they are statistically unlikely to contain any molecules of the original substance. The nice thing about homeopathic remedies is that in most cases there are no side effects.

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