Monday, May 18, 2015

The Emperor: A Musical Journey through the Major Arcana of the Tarot

Number: 4
Symbol: Square
Sound/Music reference: 4/4 time

Music is spiritual and is a doorway into that world. Its power comes from the fact that it plugs directly into the soul, unlike a lot of visual art or text information that has to go through the more filtering processes of the brain.- Peter Gabriel

Song:   Quadrophenia- The Who
            No Quarter – Led Zeppelin
How to read the emperor tarot card in the major arcana of the rider waite tarot 
Emperor keywordsAuthority, responsibility, structure, reason, society, peace, authority experience, knowledge, strength, wisdom, stubbornness,

Archetypes and the Number 4
After my awakening, it felt as though someone had sawed off the top of my head, and dumped a gazillion random thoughts into my brain on a daily basis. Two things that kept ringing in my mind were the word “archetypes” and the number “four.”

“What do archetypes and the number four have to do with rock music, and what on earth am I supposed to do with these ridiculous clues?” A few months after the word “archetype” was indelibly etched into my consciousness, I saw some Tarot books in the library. Tarot cards never interested me before, but for some reason I felt compelled to check them out. Good thing I did, because the Tarot depicts the archetypal journey of Foolkind.  Was I being led by my Higher Self or Soul to a tool for me to use as my own journey unfolded, even though at the time I didn’t even know I was on a journey yet? You betcha!

Music is heavily influenced by the number four
Part of the answer to the number four and rock music was obvious. Generally, there’s a guitarist, bassist, drummer and vocalist, or four members in a band.  But then I wondered why those particular instruments became the staples of rock music. What was in the sound of the guitar, bass and drums that people were drawn to, and how did that connect to archetypes?  Was it plausible that certain fans were attracted to a musician or group on some level because each band fulfilled an archetype or myth that we Fools subconsciously recognized and were drawn to them because of possible hidden encoded messages? Yowza. My brain hurt just asking these questions, never mind figuring out an answer.

Archetypally, four represents the square as well as the earth, matter, security, completion and stability.  So what’s that got to do with music? As I mentioned on day two, the logo of the band I followed is a checkerboard. It’s a bunch of four sided squares. Do rock bands with four musicians symbolically represent security and stability to fans?

Tarot Wisdom
Since rock music was primarily a brotherhood (yes, a few girls have been admitted, but face it, rock was built by dudes), an archetype the music seems to follow is the fourth card in the Tarot, the dude leader, The Emperor. In August 2000, I dragged an intuitive friend of mine who had no interest in rock music to see Cheap Trick with me in concert. Afterwards, she told me she received a paternal, father-like energy coming from one of the band members and saw sine-wave patterns upon an orange background. When she asked her guides what all this meant she heard, “The message is NOT for you!” I was floored. The message was for us, the fans! But what was the message?

She had no interest in archetypes or the Tarot, but when I began using the cards in 2002, I realized she’d tapped into a very important aspect of rock music. The Emperor symbolizes a leader as well as the archetype of the Father, and he is drawn sitting on a throne with a bright orange background. Yikes!

Encoded Messages in Music? No Way!
I thought the encoded message stuff was fascinating but totally unrealistic until I began reading that waves are prevalent at the quantum level. Sound is a wave, and quantum mechanics says that nature encodes information at the basis of its functioning in wave forms. Our brain perceives and makes its own record of the world in pulsating waves and our cells and our DNA communicate through frequencies. There are only four different types of nucleotides found in our DNA code, and the shape of the double helix that creates a DNA strand is…..A WAVE! Fools are physically created by the codes in our DNA, and all life is based upon only four nucleotides. Four is the building block of life.
DNA Strand

Four Strikes Again in Music too
Like an ordinary deck of cards, there are four suits in the Tarot, but they symbolize the physical, spiritual, emotional and mental aspects of our journey. Ultimately, I came to see how the bass, guitar, drums and vocals could represent each suit of the Tarot. 

The drum and bass guitar are very rhythmic, primal, lower frequencies which energetically, connect us to the earth, the square. You can feel those deeper vibrations rip through your body at a concert, and usually stimulate the first and second chakra*.  They are also the sounds of a variation of the  leader archetype, the Warrior. Warriors and Emperors are dudes that protect their group. I wondered, “Does rock music protect us, the fans?”

Over the course of several months, I stumbled across important clues that suggested part of rock music’s spiritual purpose was to protect us emotionally, and one way this was accomplished was by connecting us to joy and love. Rock music may have been brought to us by dudes with long hair and loud instruments, but every other freaking song was about LOVE. I came to see that rock musicians were a different kind of warrior (or Emperor), attempting to bring about transformation for their listeners through sound and connecting us to our 4th chakra, the heart charka which is the chakra of LOVE.  See, I told you the number four rocks!     

Musical sound/reference: 4/4 Time

Many rock songs feature a 4/4 time signature, with the accents on the second and fourth beats of the measure (a “backbeat”). Why is there something inherently satisfying in a 1-2-3-4 beat? Like the four sides of a square, it feels solid and complete. But when I hear a song with a strong 4/4 beat and a rocking bass riff, I want to move in a spiral. Spirals both curve and move in an angular manner.  What do you sense when you listen to this kind of music? Next post, we’ll discuss the concept of protection and spirals more deeply.


*Chakras- The word chakra is Sanskrit for wheel or disk and signifies one of seven primary energy centers in the body. Each of these centers correlates to major area of the body along the spinal column. In addition the chakras also correlate to levels of consciousness, archetypal elements, developmental stages of life, colors, sounds, body functions, and more.

For example, the first chakra is the color red, corresponds to the note “C” and depicted as a square within a circle, with four lotus leaves evenly distributed around the circle at the base of the spine. It is represented by the earth, and connects us to our survival instincts and sense of security. It is the area where our tribal group attitudes which stem from family and society are formed.

The second chakra is the note “D” and corresponds to the color orange and is located in our abdomen area. It is associated with emotions and sexual drive, and the third chakra connects to the note “E” and is yellow, located in the solar plexus, and rules our personal power and will. I call these first three the “Rock ‘n’ Roll Chakras” cause the harder sound and frequencies of rock target and stimulate these areas of our body and consciousness.

For more information on chakras check out:

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