Monday, May 11, 2015

The Empress: A Musical Journey through the Major Arcana of the Tarot

Fourth blog in series
Number: 3
Symbol: Triangle/Pyramid

Sound/Music reference: Chord
Jonathan Goldman, from the book Healing Sounds

Architecture is frozen music – Ancient Greek saying

Song: In Search of the Lost Chord- Moody Blues Album title

What you think about you bring about:
The Empress represents passion, abundance and creativity. Creativity stems from our imagination, and at times I thought my imagination was running amuck with bizarre images of past lives with rock bands and other whacked out stuff. But along my journey I saw how frequently our imagination brings forth concepts from the unconscious. When we want to put forth the things we imagine into the world, it is our INTENTION which can make it become real or manifest.

The night of my awakening, my higher consciousness showed me I wrote a book about group reincarnation and rock music.  The book was already written and I knew it had a major impact on the people of my generation. I didn’t know what was in the book, but time ceased to exist, and my present “now” and the future were collapsed into one moment. At the level of our soul, time doesn’t exist, so mine seemed to give me a huge whack upside the head in order to entice me to follow a path which would increase the probability that in this reality, I would set the intention to actually write a book. I couldn’t pass this off as simply my imagination. This experience provided a BIG BIG BIG intention! I later discovered this phenomenon is not all that unusual, and one researcher calls it a Future Memory Episode. Maybe I wasn’t as whacked out as I originally thought.

And God Said….Let there be Strange Rock Music Fans who want to Change the World
In the quotes above from sound healer Jonathan Goldman, he noticed how many myths from around the world spoke of a creator God who would manifest the world and all of its objects through sound. “This God would visualize or first think of the object to create, placing intention upon this, then the God would vocalize the sound for the object, creating its frequency and bringing it into being.” (Healing Sounds) These formulas signify that when we focus our intention with a loving thought or sound (frequency), we might bring balance into the mind and body and heal ourselves. Thoughts and intention are vibration. When Fools express these vibrations with the part of our body that creates vibrations, our vocal cords, the human voice speaks or sings intention.
In our major creation myths, the triangle is the world’s preeminent symbol of divinity. Father, Son, Holy Spirit. In Hindu, there’s Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. Fools experience three states of time: Past, present and future. And in music, a major chord of three notes actually reflects the Pythagorean 3-4-5 triangle. When I was a kid learning to play the piano, I sensed there was a connection to music and mathematics. Unfortunately, I have the musical aptitude of a sea slug, so it wasn’t until I started my bus ride that I began to see how music, geometry and spirituality were braided together.

Can childhood memories provide us with important clues to our life journey?
When I studied piano, notes were “alive,” and each one seemed to have a story to tell. Shortly after my spiritual awakening, I recalled my childhood fascination with notes, and this question arose: “Do the actual notes of an instrument, say middle C on the piano, have any kind of inherent meaning in the sound when the note is struck?  What if I played a major C chord, with C-E-G simultaneously?  Does that send a different message to my mind than just C alone?  Do the infinite combinations of notes and chords, when played in different sequences, have anything to do with a hidden message?”  I now realize I was trying to understand if music can have an intention.

Musicians can set intentions like the rest of us Fools, and a lead singer of a band could be a perfect vehicle for playing the role of The Magician: Visualization + Vocalization = Manifestation. But what are rock musicians manifesting, and can they help us heal through the frequency of their voice and music?  I have seen in my own life how a thing or an idea can manifest rapidly when I set my intention on it, and then speak out loud my desire. Perhaps this is Magic in the 21st century.

Sound/Musical reference of the day: Chord

To me, the three note major chord reflects the triune nature of God. Without getting all woo-woo on you, those three notes seem to resonate with the seeds of creation. Dr. Whittle, who developed the sound I used at the beginning of my flash movie to emulate the big bang, suggested “the broad-peaked notes corresponded, in musical terms, to a "majestic" major third chord, evolving slowly into a "sadder" minor third.” Is it possible that a chord reminds us of our own creation?

If you have the opportunity to explore some major and minor chords, see if you can hear them sending you a message, or unfolding a story. I know. It seems ludicrous. But biologically, the brain processes 400 billion bits of information per second, yet is only aware of 2,000 bits at any one time. (What the Bleep Do We Know) What does the brain do with all that extra information? Perhaps there are hidden messages or codes of intention in those chords, but most of us can’t decipher them because we weren’t consciously aware they existed. How can we decode the codes? Seek and ye shall find.

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