Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The High Priestess: A Musical Journey through the Major Arcana of the Tarot

Third card of the Major Arcana

Tarot Card Number: 2: The High Priestess

High Priestess Tarot Card Meanings tarot card meaning

Symbol: Yin/Yang
File:Yin yang.svg

Sound/Music reference: Piano keys

Quote: Just as we have two eyes and two feet, duality is part of life. – Carlos Santana
"It occurred to me by intuition, and music was the driving force behind that intuition. My discovery was the result of musical perception." (When asked about his theory of relativity) - Albert Einstein

Song:   It Takes Two – Tina Turner
            Ebony and Ivory- Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson
It Takes Two to Tango:       
Out of unity and oneness comes duality. One duplicates itself, and now there are two. The principle of this “twoness” was called Dyad by Greek philosophers over 2500 years ago, and its essence is polarity. Dark and light. Quiet and loud. Masculine and feminine. “The Dyad simultaneously divides and unites, repels and attracts, separates from unity and craves to return to it.”* This urge to find all my parts and restore unity within myself became a mantra during my bus ride through rock music.

In fact, the band Cheap Trick uses a black and white checkerboard for their logo. This contrast of light and dark became highly symbolic for me once I understood its deeper esoteric meanings. I kept seeing how my ego mind forced me to see myself and others as black and white, right or wrong, good or bad. The dark side of our ego is often referred to as “the shadow,” and represents the parts of ourselves which we deny or don’t want others to see. But what I discovered was that the more I kept denying my shadow, the more I projected it onto others.  It’s no wonder why the ancients called Dyad “illusion.”  

The Magician knows illusions are based upon perspective. For example, music creates a sound wave, and these waves have peaks and lows. The wave vacillates and is depicted moving up and down, a reflection of duality. Yet turn the “S” shaped black/white Yin/Yang symbol which represents duality and masculine/feminine aspects of our being on its side, and you’ve got a wave. Its meaning depends upon your viewpoint.

labeled diagram of a wave
Tarot Wisdom: The High Priestess of Rhythmic Noise
In the Tarot, the High Priestess corresponds to the number 2, and sits between two pillars. One pillar is black and one white. She is in drawn in color, and represents the deeper, darker, mysterious aspects of the feminine and our intuition. When I realized the second album of Chap Trick's was entitled, “In Color” and the front of the album was in color, the back in b/w and blazoned with the words “And Black and White,” it seemed to be a strange synchronicity. I wondered if rock bands were drawn to unconscious archetypes like the rest of us Fools. Along my bus ride, I was led to see that, “Of course they are. Rock stars are Fools on a journey too!”

On every journey we need the appropriate tools to help us succeed. The High Priestess was a major piece of hardware for I’d need to draw upon her symbolism of patience, trusting my inner voice and seeking what is concealed from ordinary view. I’d have to use my intuition, and at times, the power of the High Priestess terrified me for I did not trust her. My ego told me she was full of crapola. Yet ultimately, she’s been an incredible teacher, and if you take to task exploring duality, I’m confident you’ll find the insights you discover will help expand your consciousness more towards finding peace and unity within.  

Sound/musical reference of the day: Piano keys

Piano keys are black and white, a nice expression of duality. Would you ever say that the white keys are bad because they are different from the black keys and should be banished from keyboard? What would the keyboard be like if it only had sharps or flats? It would be monotonous.

In life, we often wish everyone else would be more like ourselves. Same color, same beliefs or religion, same political affiliation, even enjoy the same music etc. Yet without diversity, without opposites, there would be no contrast. Contrast helps us gain clarity as to what we want and don’t want. If you are sick, you probably want wellness. If you are poor, the lack of money might strike-up a strong desire for abundance. Desire creates the opportunity to change our old habits of thought and beliefs, and move towards fulfillment and joy. Do you appreciate duality and contrast, especially the parts that are unwanted or undesirable? If you do, you just might see your life and everything in it from new and improved perspective.  
Recommended reading:

*Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe, Michael S. Schneider

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