Saturday, June 6, 2015

The Chariot: A Musical Journey through the Major Arcana of the Tarot

Number 7
Symbol: Heptagon- 

Sound/Music reference: Diatonic seven notes

Quote: “When the real music comes to me – “the music of the spheres, the music that surpasseth understanding”- that has nothing to do with me, ‘cause I’m just the channel. The only joy for me is for it to be given to me, and to transcribe it like a medium…Those moments are what I live for. – John Lennon
Song: Seven- by David Bowie 
Music of the Spheres

In the 6th card of the Tarot, we explored hidden messages in water, and today we’ll touch upon hidden messages in musical notes. As I ventured along my journey through sound and vibration, one day I came across the term, Music of the Spheres. Hmm. That seemed like an important clue, so I jumped on the Fool Express, and yelled, “Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to discover the hidden messages in music I go!” I’m a complete Fool in case you haven’t already noticed.

Pythagoras may have been the father of geometry, but he also created a mystery school that taught not only the magic of numbers, but the healing powers of music. His Music of the Spheres considers how the movement of the heavenly bodies might be perceived and reflected in the intervals of the notes on a musical scale. In other words, each of the seven known planets had a specific vibration, and though you couldn’t physically hear it, they were supposed to resonate with the seven notes of our diatonic scale. 

DO a Deer…

There are seven notes in the diatonic scale (C D E F G A B or Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti). By the way, Do Re Mi… are the beginning two letters of Latin words that in ascending order, describe the layers of the physical universe and the planets, beginning and ending with Do, for Dominus, which means Lord or Absolute. “This scale was meant to model the hidden side of the macrocosmic design, the universe ruled by mathematical harmonies of music.” (Beginner's Guide To Constructing the Universe). During the Middle Ages, lots of smart dudes attempted to create models which reflected how sound and music were a mirror of man, the universe and God. The electromagnetic spectrum depicts the same thing: a universe based on vibration.
Robert Fludd’s Celestial Monochord, 1618
Music influences our emotions

Ancient civilizations knew that music bypassed the intellect and powerfully influenced feelings. In this way music was used to heal emotions, which in turn impacted the psyche and physical body.  Once the scientific method reigned supreme, we lost the awe and magic power of music and sound. But when I read about these ancient ways in which music was used to heal, and connect us to the divine, I began to understand why I was led on this crazy bus ride through rock music
I think of it this way. As souls we understand the healing impact of music, so as human beings we are instinctively drawn to sound. That’s why rock music was so incredibly important to our generation because it provided a harder vibration, which was a frequency that many of us could relate to and needed to connect with so we could emotionally heal the lower charkas and connect us to our heart. I believe all music displays the healing power of sound, but only if you match the resonance or frequency of it. That’s why some of us are drawn to rock, others to Classical,  Country music or Dolphins singing. There’s a musical genre for just about everyone, and it appears you might be drawn to it to help you emotionally heal.

Tarot Wisdom

The 7th card, The Chariot, represents empowerment, drive, ambition, mastery, will, focus, strength, progress, self-discipline, the wise use of energy, self-control, persona, social face, victory, (material) and success. To me, the Chariot represents rock musicians and their journey toward stardom. In fact, the Charioteer is wearing a star on his crown, and there are stars in the canopy above his head and moons on his breastplate, which makes me think of the harmony of the spheres. It was also an important card to me as I faced health issues on my journey and had to dig into my inner strength, will, and self-discipline to heal.  

 Sound/Musical reference: 7 notes of the diatonic scale

The seven whole notes in our musical scale, seven colors in the rainbow, seven days of the week, and seven main chakras in the human body correspond to one another. White light through a prism displays the seven colors of the rainbow, always in the same order as shown below due to the color’s wavelength.
But there are many vibrations beyond the seven colors, like radio, infrared rays, or gamma rays that we do not see. Fools only perceive about 10% of the light spectrum…90% remains invisible to our eyes. We hear approximately 10 octaves, yet there are many vibrations we are deaf to. We live as though we see and know it all, but so much is more is going on all around us than meets the eye or ear. 

 The correspondence between light and sound in our body with the chakras seems to reflect the scale of our soul. Before you say, “Chakras, what a load of crap,” remember there is much the average Fool doesn’t see or hear, yet the seven spinning energy centers have been seen and felt by many people for thousands of years. Why don’t you sense them? Like tuning into a radio station, you haven’t tuned yourself to the correct chakra frequency. If humans are vibration and sound, then is it plausible these corresponding principles of light and sound can be utilized to help us heal or “tune” our bodies? See if working through the notes of the musical scale, you can tune your life. There are many “hidden” messages and aspects of our being which most of us haven’t begun to explore.
Note                Chakra/Rainbow color            Planet              Day of week

B                     VIOLET                                 MOON            MONDAY                                         
A                     INDIGO                                VENUS            FRIDAY
G                     BLUE                                   JUPITER          THURSDAY
F                     GREEN                                 SATURN          SATURDAY
E                     YELLOW                              MERCURY       WEDNESDAY
D                     ORANGE                              SUN                 SUNDAY
C                     RED                                      MARS              TUESDAY

Note: This system was created by H.P. Blavatsky, a great synthesizer of Western and Eastern religion, in her book The Secret Doctrine which was originally published in 1888.*  However, there were lots of people over the last several hundred years who explored the mathematical ways to interpret which planet corresponded to which note, and to be honest, I couldn’t understand most of what was written. It was way over my Fool head.  HPB’s correlations make sense to me, but they are by no means definitive.

*Source of chart: Harmonies of Heaven and Earth, by Joscelyn Godwin

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