Sunday, June 28, 2015

Wheel of Fortune: A Musical Journey throught the Major Arcana of the Tarot

Number: 10

Symbol: Decad or Tetraktys, 


Kabbalistic Tree of Life

Sound/Music reference: Chromatic change

Quote: "A real leader faces the music, even when he doesn't like the tune." - Anon
Song: Ch-ch-ch-changes- David Bowie
A Change Will Do You Good- Cheryl Crow
Revolution – The Beatles
EVOL mirror image of LOVE
Round and Round We Go
Do you recall the episode of the Brady Bunch when Peter and his family sang the song It’s Time to Change because his voice kept cracking as he reached puberty? Well, the Brady’s were offering us Fools an important metaphysical message: The world need not change…only you do. Change your mind, and your view of the world changes and evolves.

The number 10 represents the duality of completion and change. The 10th card of the Tarot is called the Wheel of Fortune. No, this isn’t the kind of wheel where you buy a vowel from Vanna White. This Wheel is the wheel of fate or karma, and it had a significant message for me: Change is inevitable. To push against the wheel of change is to push against the flow of life, for all things are constantly in a state of flux.

If all things in the universe are in a state of vibration and change, then the spinning Wheel represents motion, and the ups and downs of our lives. When the wheel makes one full turn, it is called a revolution. If a society engages in a Revolution, the desired outcome is always change: A change in political leader, government, or social reform. I am posting these blogs because I want to do my part to help change the consciousness or evolve Foolkind. But change is the ego’s nemesis, and I discovered that the hard way on my rock 'n 'roll bus tour.

I Won’t, I Won’t, I Won’t Change! You Can’t Make Me!
My ego wanted nothing to do with the writing of the book. “Who are you to write a book, you Fool. No way are you putting these loco concepts out there about spirituality and rock music. You’ll get persecuted, humiliated, and everyone will hate you.” A bit dramatic, isn’t it? Our ego’s job is to protect us from being hurt and feeling pain, so it detests transformation and creates major illusions and excuses so that you don’t change because it equates change with pain. It’s kind of a self-perpetuating loop of hell. But listening to rock music helped fortify my spine, so that little by little, I could begin to bitch slap my ego’s fears. The intense desire to put the messages I was uncovering into the world forced me to change my old beliefs about myself, but man, my ego fought me every step of the way. I have the claw marks to prove it.

Okay, Well, Maybe I’ll Change Just a Little Bit…
You see, while I was doing my research on group reincarnation, for some reason I was drawn to writing about my childhood. After several months, I noticed themes from my childhood that were occurring in my life NOW. It was like a parallel existence, except I was twenty or thirty years older. I wrote about feeling ostracized and tormented by other kids as a 12-year-old because of my appearance at that age, and those emotions began to creep back after twenty five years. I had a looming fear of rejection pop up whenever I thought of meeting the band, and the same knot I felt in my stomach as a kid would surface. It made absolutely no sense intellectually. But our heart is not concerned with intellect and thinking. It’s interested in emotions and feelings and purging old ones that no longer serve us. 

I pushed aside this strange reaction for years, until one night I saw Cheap Trick in concert from the second row and my ego was totally triggered. The music which generally connected me with joy, acted as a catalyst for suppressed emotions from my teenage years that night. It triggered the feelings of rejection and rage in a powerful way. Once I understood I was transferring my fear and anger onto the band because they energetically represented the kids who taunted me in 7th grade, I could begin to heal and change my old beliefs.  Rock ‘n’ Roll as psychotherapy. Who would have ever imagined?

What do you think will happen to our civilization if we don’t heal and change our current perceptions? Your ego might tell you to let everyone else change…you’re perfect just as you are. If you’ve reached enlightenment, perhaps no change or growth is necessary. But for the rest of us Fools, our motto might be: Evolve or face extinction. LOVE backwards is EVOL:  The beginning of evolve and evolution. Love is Evolution, and Evolution is Love. It is the divine force that says, “As eternal beings we can never be finished or complete; that’s why we are eternal! Love what is, because it’s time to change!”

Sound of the Day-Musical reference- Chromatic Change
Fools might be sloths when it comes to change, but fortunately in music, chromatic changes are fairly common and far less painful. A chromatic change or modulation is when you create a harmonious passage from one key to another in a song. Like going from the key of C to the key of A#. To shift keys in your life, you’ve got to trust and surrender to the process. When we change our old destructive patterns and beliefs, and replace them with new, more life affirming ones, in essence it’s like we’ve shifted to a higher octave.

If you keep doing and thinking the same things, you’ll always get the same results. What is the same old song and dance you’ve been playing in your life which you can shift to a new key in your life?

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