Monday, March 16, 2015

Mini-"Mystical"-Me: Is The Next Dalai Lama Living Under My Roof?

I recently discovered "Dalai Lama" means "spiritual teacher." It would have been nice to know that seventeen years ago, for the day I discovered a fetus was forming in my uterus, I asked Goddess to send me not only a healthy baby, but an enlightened one: A mystical leader who would break down old walls of constricted thought while leading the masses to a new level of personal and spiritual insights. I also hoped for a child who’d recall her past lives and share my passion for metaphysical subjects and alternative healing.

I got a teacher all right, but she certainly doesn't appear to be next Dalai Lama. Nor does her sister seem destined to become another Louise Hay or DeepakChopra. However, their mother has learned that master teachers sometimes don’t look or act one bit mystical. There’s no halo, no special intuitive powers or the ability to bend spoons with their mind, just one quality that supersedes all: love.

My older daughter Ayla was born with a deformed, non-functioning left kidney. According to body/mind therapies, when something goes awry with a kidney, it often related to fear. I wondered what issues she incarnated with that would cause the birth defect. One day, it hit me. What if the kidney wasn’t about her issues, but mine? What if her soul willingly chose to be wonky because I needed to heal my own fears of believing I was totally not cut out for this mommy thing?

When I discovered daughter #2 was unexpectedly on her way 18 months later, fear once again ripped through me. Raising one bambino was challenging enough. How would I ever follow my spiritual life path if two young children needed my attention?

I asked an intuitive healer for guidance. “There are times when life presents challenges you don’t believe you are up to" she said. "These are tests for you to make a choice and see if you have the strength and courage to overcome adversity. If you decide to keep the baby, you will be guided and supported from our realm, and if you decide not to keep the baby, you will still be guided and supported. You are loved no matter what choices you make.”

Her words melted the fear of being not enough, and in that moment, I embraced the unknown and welcomed the soul that would soon join our family. And my, what an amazing journey it’s been.

All journeys of self-discovery have their incredulous AHA! moments. One of those goliath AHA!s occurred when recalling the day I pleaded with Goddess for my fetal unit to recall her past lives. All the attributes I asked to blossom in my children actually occurred in ME!

Since my daughters’ births, I’ve recalled past lifetimes with a famous rock band, come to understand the spiritual healing power of music, and wrote a book which braids these concepts together and challenges our society’s old walls of constricted thought. Before having children, I felt like the Grinch Who Stole Christmas: my heart was two sizes two small.  But it was the jaw-dropping realization that the wishes for my unborn daughter years ago to be a spiritual leader were actually aspirations for myself, that my heart grew three sizes that day.

Who knows what surprises lie in store for my daughters’ lives? At this point in time, it appears they don’t have a metaphysical bone in their body. Their days are consumed with mastering the art of geometry and constantly checking their iPhones. But enlightened beings don’t necessarily have halos or bend spoons with their minds. My daughters are master teachers, emissaries of light from another realm, sent to allow their mother to learn some major kick-ass lessons.

Being a parent allowed me to finally get in touch with my true essence, and learn what being a woo-woo mom was really all about. It’s all about having the courage to address my fears and feelings of inadequacy in order to be the light. And from what my psychic amigos tell me, enlightenment is a state of pure bliss, where the only emotion that remains is a sense of oneness, which at its core is the essence of LOVE.

The Dalai Lama once said, "With realization of one's own potential and self-confidence in one's ability, one can build a better world." Perhaps the next great "spiritual teacher" really is living under my roof.

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